きんり 金利の意味
the rate of interest; interest [money] rates.
??が高い[安い] money is dear [cheap]..
??を引き上げる[下げる] raise [lower] interest rates.
?ローンの? interest on a loan.
?5%の?を支抌う pay 5 percent interest.
金利格差 an interest differential.
金利減免 a reduction or moratorium on interest payment.
金利コスト interest cost.
金利裁定(取引) interest arbitrage transaction; covered interest arbitrage.
金利自由化 deregulation [liberalization] of interest rate(s).
金利水準 the level of interest rates.
金利スワップ interest rate swapping.
金利敏感株 stocks particularly sensitive to interest rate fluctuations.
金利負担 ((reduce, increase)) the interest burden.
金利平価 the interest parity.
金利変動リスク (a) variable interest rate risk.
高[低]金利政策 high [low] interest (rate) policy; dear [cheap] money policy.
abetalipoproteinemia n : a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism; characterized by severe deficiency of beta-lipoproteins and abnormal red blood
donkey enginefunction: noun date: 1858 1 : a small usually portable auxiliary engine2 : a small locomotive used in switching
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